1000 apple trees done!

 1000 native Irish apple trees all grafted up for propagation in our polytunnels.

That was a long job but got it down much quicker than I thought with some helping hands. I really was expecting this to run into next month grafting these apple trees but we flew through them! 

Way ahead of schedule...

Now just to sit back and wait to see which grafts take and next year start to plant these out into more community orchards and phantom plant them around the streets and estates of Belfast and beyond, creating urban orchards for everyone to help themselves.

These are all cuttings of native Irish apple tree varieties that me and my inner council have gathered from old orchards all over the Emerald Isle. The list of varieties what we have are in the pics. I particularly like the "Knights Templar" variety. You wouldn't think it but its native to Waterford.

Thank you to everyone that came and helped out with this mission. We have just planted winter past a native Irish orchard of 300 apple trees that we grew last year. 

This is a life purpose for myself and others and over the years we are going to learn and observe so much from this. I want to normalise fruit trees growing all around our city bringing people together in community and helping nature.

We all need to contribute something back to nature and community on a personal level.

Early post for me this morning guys, I'm off to the forest. Best time for the forest is early spring. The aliveness is just unreal. 

Please do support my mission guys. 


Peace and love

The Phantom Planter


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