More holy water.
Was back up at the Holy Well yesterday getting my weeks supply of water. Brought my mate with me and he couldn't believe how crystal clear the water was and also how good it tasted.
Throwing this water around my face felt amazing, was so refreshing and purifying, we both were practically baptising ourselves in it.
Water is the God of all Gods, you want to pay your respects to something that creates life everywhere it goes, its water.
Water is Holy in itself.
Everywhere it flows it brings life and nourishment. Its the liquid spirit that even we are made off. No other life form known in the Universe can survive without water.
This is going to be a ritual of mine from now on going and getting my own Holy Well water for drinking, coming straight out of Slieve Croob Mountain which has been an ancient holy site for thousands of years. This is what I would call Northern Irelands very own Mount Kailash!
Mount Kailash is where the Hindus believe Shiva lives and is one of the tributaries to the River Ganges.
This Slieve Croob well I go too is where the River Lagan starts from, the main river that flows through Belfast. Bringing life and survival to all who has lived by this river.
Pretty amazing realisations I've been having with water lately, its making me see water on a whole new level. This island we are on, The Emerald Isle, it never stops raining. This is an ancient holy land we are on.
People have been making such a big deal of this place for thousands of years, why this wee place on the edge of the world. Why were we the most Christianised place on earth. Dont you ever wonder?
It's a pretty magical place this land of the Tuatha De Danann and the Fir Bolg. It's all there for us to connect too, all we have to do is go looking.
Peace and love
The Phantom Planter
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