More about water!
I've been on one the past few days about water, the magic and God like powers it holds.
I was talking with a friend yesterday and he had lots to say on the water topic also.
About how it is the centrepiece of churches and also he mentioned about healing wells in Ireland that had been closed off by the churches to stop people drinking from the wells as so many people were getting healed from Irelands wells.
Then I had been thinking back at some of the greatest spiritual moments in my life and it has always been lashing with rain.
The day I jumped off the Viking boat and found Jampa Ling Buddhist monastery it was the the rain that made me jump.
I had just finished my last beer and it was pelting down that heavy I said f**k this and off I went over the side and landed next to a Buddhist monastery which was the moment my life changed. The monks took me in in despair and my life changed from that day!
Then I went to this Buddhist stupa in Spain as in one of the pics. I bought a plum tree and phantom planted it outside the stupa as an offering to the Buddha. And as we began to dig the rain poured so heavy out of the sky! I couldn't believe it, never have I seen rain like it in Spain!
Another occasions was when I was on the hunt looking for one of the oldest yew trees in Europe and when I was looking for it the sun was splitting the trees.
I spent hours looking for this mystical ancient tree and then when I found it I began to do my barefoot ritual walking around the tree and all of a sudden this storm came out of nowhere. It started to rain with thunder. Mini rivers started to form all around the forest the rain was coming down that heavy. It was a real shamanic type moment!
Then I went to look for the Big Belly Oak tree in Wiltshire England, said to be the oldest oak in the UK.
Was a nice sunny day looking for this tree then when I found it the rain came from nowhere so heavy me and wee betty stood inside the oak taking shelter. The inside of this tree is all hollowed out and you can walk inside.
The oldest Irish yew tree I always go and meditate at when I'm in the area and one morning sunrise around 6am I was basking in the sunrise meditating. Upon opening my eyes there was an old lady and her dog sitting at the bench admiring the tree.
It then started to rain that heavy the old lady came to take shelter under the yew tree next to me.
A Quaker Buddhist she said she was and started to tell me about quantum entanglement. I had some deep spiritual conversations with this lady.
I then met this lady again strangely and had lunch booked with the monks and one person didn't show and asked her if she wanted to come. Along she came and met the Buddhist monks at Jampa Ling.
Then I met this big Druid who walks around the forest with a class looking holly walking stick he made and carved himself. I always admire this stick and wanting to hold it.
For some reason I always meet this man near a special yew tree I go too as in the pic.
He then said to me one day that he has a gift for me and to meet him at this yew tree.
I agreed and went and met him and again the rain was lashing down. And what was so strange about this was the rain trickled down the trunk of the yew tree creating a mini waterfall at the bottom as in the pic. I'd never seen anything like this before on a tree.
The druid gave me the staff just like his made of holly and he had carved in Ogham my name "Phantom Planter" using the ancient Ogham tree alphabet!
Hope you enjoyed guys.
Peace and love
The Phantom Planter
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