Keep ths plan of action moving forward.

 We planted another load of trees yesterday, mostly fruit trees, apple, pear and cherry, we also planted some black walnut too.

We planted these on the northern perimeter of our new Lisnabreeny Irish Orchard. To the west of this new orchard in the field next to us there has been thousands of native broadleaf trees planted over the past couple of years. These will grow up at a faster rate than our orchard creating shelter for our fruit trees.

We are then intending on filling up the northern perimeter with whatever trees we can get to really try and close in the orchard making it a south facing sheltered catchment area, like a walled garden but only with trees.

The field our orchard is in even slopes downhill to the south facing side, making it a real heat trap in the coming years.

In the years ahead this is going to be something really special, we have 274 native Irish apple trees at our new orchard already with many more to be added next year when we get them grown. There'll probably be around 400 native apple trees at this site by this time next year.

10 years now I've been at this planting and chanting, and the more I've been doing it everywhere I go these days is trees growing away that I've planted. Even when I was in Jampa Ling Buddhist monastery there about a couple of weeks ago there was this stunning juniper tree I forgot about that I planted years back growing away on the grounds of the monastery looking so vibrant and healthy!

Its gotta be one of the best feelings when you see your trees thriving years later, especially when they are phantom planted in the wild or in your street or estate.

Last year I seen for the first time this jay bird sit on the branch of one of my phantom planted apple trees getting stuck into a nice big juicy apple and I said to the jay, Enjoy, that ones on me!

I have never seen a jay before and to see one on one of my fruit trees eating an apple was pure class!

Every day we wake up we should try our best to fill our lives with good deeds, good thoughts and good intentions. The news and societies ways will really try and manipulate how we think and act in this world. 

Promoting so much fear and disturbance and I believe we will never make the best decisions while filled full of hate, fear and divide. 

Do you ever notice when people really hate someone, they then hate everything they do and say, even though much of it they deep down may agree with them on some of the things. 

Hate is a poison, and its a form of self harm carrying it. There is enough hate in this world.

As Big D says these negative and destructive emotions must be overcome by Love, Compassion and Altruism.

I've been in that deep dark mental abyss for most of my life, stock pilling and adding more and more negativity to the pile!

We will never reach the state of basking in the light while keeping ourselves stuck in the dark.

We are our own worst enemies and no one can purify another as the Buddha says, only we can do that ourselves. As we see the faults in other or own faults grow deeper within.

Buddhism has brought me to a place were for the first time I have the mental and physical capacity to be able to offer something positive, productive and beneficial to the world.

While we are letting ourselves become polluted and infected with all the news and media BS, all we have to offer the world is like for like BS!

I challenge you all to phantom plant a tree! 

Peace and love 

The Phantom Planter


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