25 mighty Robin Hood Oaks planted!

 Planted the 25 Robin Hood oak trees yesterday at the northern perimeter of our Lisnabreeny Community orchard. We planted them fairly close together as I want them to become sort of like a hedge for sheltering the orchard from the northerly winds. The trees closest to the fence are all fruit trees with a row of mighty Robin Hood Oaks behind them.

I was just standing looking over the whole orchard yesterday thinking that every tree here has been grown by us from seed or cutting and now they are all planted up!

Now just a waiting game watching all these hundreds of trees grow.

The oak trees I collected these acorns myself from Sherwood forest, the native cherry trees I picked the berries down near the phantom planters HQ in Belvoir forest, ate the berries of course and just popped my stones in a pot of soil right after eating and they grew into cherry trees.

All the 274 apple trees are all native Irish apple trees that we went out and selected the scions/cuttings from old orchards all around the country.

From start to finish this whole orchard and native tree shelter has been created by us - The Phantom Planting Paramili-Trees!

In this dark soul destroying world there's nothing more satisfying than creating something like this.

Mark Twain once said,

"I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened".

Dont let the fear of what could happen in your life make nothing happen.

I just see so many people on here spreading so much fear, we need to start spreading more love. Fear is never a good motivator, Love is way better. 

I dont plant trees out of fear of climate change, I plant trees because I love it, love to watch them grow alongside my own spiritual growth. Love to see people and nature enjoy the fruits of my labour. 

I'm not a climate activists or a climate denier but just remember something. Going by previous fear thats been projected over the years should we not all of been nuked years ago or the hole in the ozone layer melted us all in the 1990s,  and the oil, was that not meant to run out when I was a child.

The only place the apocalypse is happening is in our minds and that's enough to control. 

Turn your news off guys and go and be a positive vibration for your own community and nature.

Peace and love

The Phantom Planter and wee betty!


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