I'm not for sale.

 Have noticed facebook has been putting in adds with my videos which I never consented too. I think I've managed to get this sorted now and got it turned off.

Over the years I've been asked by lots of agencies to market stuff for them or allow adds on my posts and videos and I've always said no. I have been offered funding over the years also from government bodies saying they can give me grants to help and stuff, I've always said no too.

All that stuff doesn't sit well with me and I really dont know who I'm aligning with either, I'm very aware of what energies I get entangled with. 

I got entangled with some of the biggest gangsters around growing up thinking this is great making a fortune but slowly these people infect and pollute you. 

And thats not to say that I wasnt that person either that infected and polluted the people around me either. 

I've caused a lot of mayhem and madness through my greed for money!

Growing up in the underworld I've seen more than most how money is used to control and manipulate people and situations. 

There is no difference between the underworld and legitimate world in my eyes. Its all the same products and all the same tactics. 

The legitimate world though, they just have licenses and so called legal rights to do all the same things as the underworld. Its all the same to me. 

Its hard to find people with morals these days. Which is why I prefer not to get entangled with any government or marketing companies.

I had a film crew come out before wanting to make a small film. I agreed and then they started to tell me to do things differently, wear this, say this and stand like that they said. It didnt feel right, I got the impressions these people wanted me to bow down to them or something. 

I pulled the plug right away and said sorry for wasting your time, I'm out and off I went to walk wee betty.

Everyone thats came into my life to help me with what I do has been organic and real. Real people with real interests in doing good and helping nature and the community. 

Growing up with the dodgiest of gangsters has given me the ability to read people. To read situations and peoples real intentions. And if your real and true and intentions are not to help nature and the community, I dont want to work with you.

I'm not here for fame or social elevation, I'm here to share that we can all get out and phantom plant trees and do our bit as individuals to help the world.

My mission for the first few years was self funded myself by the money I used to spend on cocaine and alcohol.

Karma yoga was the Buddhist practice, a selfless service act that has the ability to heal and transform ones life. 

Many years later I can vouch for this. Karma yoga has worked for me and I've community orchards thriving all over Belfast and beyond. Mostly planted with drink and drug money!

And now for the past year or so I've started to ask for donations from you guys to help expand on my mission and future projects.

You can support me on the PayPal link below if you like and help keep me planting and chanting. 

I don't like big donations either, puts me under pressure, don't like it. Some lady offered me hundreds of pounds and I refused it. Really can't be taken this much from people. I'd feel I have to do something with money like this and it would put me under pressure. Keep your donations small please. 


Peace and love 

The Phantom Planter.


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