Happy Solstice!

 Wee betty overseeing all our work again yesterday, checking to make sure all the apple trees are planted in a straight line!

The new heritage apple orchard is really coming together, got all the trees mulched and caged yesterday and about another 20 trees planted.

Its the Solstice today and some of us are meeting up to plant a tree at sunrise to mark this special occasion. After today the days will start to get longer. I believe we should all make some sort of nature offering to mark the Solstice. Like a thank you to the creation for all we take from it.

I've been a programmed parasite for most of my life, born into probably the biggest wheeling and dealing cut throat circles in Belfast. Everything we were selling came at the destruction of mother nature in some form or another, then to be turned into paper and digits and saved up like a big fat hamster with lots of it spent on self gratification, greed and gluttony!

Not one thought was spared at the mayhem and destruction that has taken place for us to have the paper and digits!

Its all creating karmic debt if you ask me, unknowingly our merit bank account is going into the red big time and soon we will suffer. Funny when I was at my richest I was suffering more mentally than ever before. The more paper and digits accumulated the more destruction thats been accounted for.

We all gotta level up on a personal basis I believe...

Never mind what everyone else is doing, it's what you are doing that matters! 

They say this universe is one big hologram of vibrating atoms, when you get your head around that, the possibilities are endless. 

Please do plant a tree today guys, mark this special occasion with pure intentions to benefit nature and community. 

Peace and love...


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