Seed collecting time.

 The Yew Tree Berry - One of the most deadliest things around, eat three of these seeds and your a goner, although the only part of the yew tree thats not poisonous is the red flesh around the seed which is edible but dont go putting these things in your mouth anyway!

Now really is peak time to be out seed collecting from our native trees and start to grow your own trees for phantom planting.

I believe its everyone's duty and responsibility to be doing this and its also a great way to get out and learn and connect to nature.

Many people say social media is not good for our mental health, I guess that all depends on what your using it for, with every negative in life comes an equal or even greater positive as Napoleon Hill says.

Social media is intended by its creators to make money and to control, a form of brainwashing but if you look through the cracks for me its the best thing ever for getting positive messages out there and learning first hand from real people doing real good things.

Ask yourself, what do you want to do with your life, what do you want to be?

I remember when I was about 14 years old and my dads mate always took me to the Rangers football matches and it just struck me at that young age watching 22 men run around a field making fortune and I thought to myself watching it, this ain't making me any money, what benefit is this to my life and my future!

After that I never seen the point in doing anything unless it made me money, I was always money motivated though!

But what I'm trying to say is we waste so much of our human energy on meaningless and pointless rubbish, if we look through the plastic on social media we can tap into some life changing stuff. 

Although that really all depends if you want that, many people talk about change but thats all they do - Is talk!

We are all becoming what we are applying our thoughts and energy too. 

I've watched this my whole life, one mate of mine spent his time chasing woman, all his thoughts and energy was thinking of women, he had different one every night of the week. 

Another mate of mine run around with chicken breasts in his pockets pumping iron in the gym every day, all he thought about was getting big and he ended up like the hulk.

I grew up around wheeler dealers and people who were money driven, all they talked about was money and getting rich, many of them got what they thought and talked about.

One mate of mine who is probably one of the richest person I know today came from a tin house and used to wash my dads car for a couple of pounds. He now drives a Bentley.

The Buddha says we are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts.

I believe this to be true, analyse your own thoughts, write them down, keep a journal and I bet everything you are is what you have manifested. 

So there is no need to ever get jealous of anyone. Your thoughts, speech, actions and choices belong to you. 

We must try and tap into our wisdom eyes more rather than living in our ego eyes.

Never in history has so much knowledge been at our finger tips, dont waste your time on here arguing with people your never going to meet, spend your time on here connecting and inspiring!

I look at many people on here and see the stuff they create, share and do and I think to myself, what is the point of what they're doing, what are they achieving.

So many wasting so much energy on here with the outcome being a few more likes than yesterday and if they dont get likes they want their day is ruined. You see this all the time, Peoples lives are ruled by likes.

One thing I have learned though is if your seeking a more joyful life the quickest way to achieve this is to benefit nature and your community. 

I manifested money in the past for the wrong reasons, all I wanted it for was pure greed. What came along with this was pain and misery and a whole host of dark souls around me.

Its nicer these days being surrounded by people that are kind and loving.

It was me created the misery and now I've created the joy. 

Lets all get planting and chanting guys!!!


Peace and love...


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