Out of a muddy pond blooms a lotus flower.

Rope climbing has to be one of my favourite workouts. 

I have no real goals in training, training for me is like playing in the park.

If your not enjoying training chances are you'll never stick at it. 

I can climb the highest mountain in Northern Ireland barefoot with ease and enjoyment and can climb a rope. 

What more do you really need to do!

I'm very happy with the way my body is performing at 44 years old. 

This body is the diving suit for the soul, don't go to extremes with it, don't let the ego take over, there is always someone bigger and better just around the corner, (my delboy dad always told me this) 

We can loose ourselves in competition and our communities and nature needs you. 

Get the vessel firing on all cylinders and get out there and use this body for doing good. Plant trees, help your elderly, pick up some litter, walk some rescue dogs. 

This world needs these types of postive vibrations more so than ever. 

I've been so guilty in the past at being up my own backside about things. Consuming so much of the Earths resources for bigger pecs and biceps and not even giving it a second thought about what I'm taking and not returning. And all for what? So the ego can impress people I never really liked in the first place. 

It's a bit of a mental asylum down here on this planet earth at times. But it's only here among all this mud that the lotus flowers bloom. It's only among the darkness and delusion that so much spiritual merit can be earned.

I guarantee you'll get more satisfaction out of phantom planting 1000 trees than you will out of any medal, fast car or big fancy house. 

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree today! 

Peace and love


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