More phantoms signed up!
Signed up a load more young phantom planters yesterday!
Had this group of kids down from West Belfast phantom planting 2 plum trees in the estate. These kids loved it, they got so involved and got all mucked up. I made up some name tags for them saying it was they're trees and they said they'll always be back to look after and water them.
Its a great feeling doing stuff like this, I believe we all need to actively get creating good vibrations in our communities, its the only antidote.
This planting yesterday could even be called a cross community planting, as this group was from a part of Belfast that never would have mixed with the side I'm from for many years.
But we all came together to phantom plant 2 plum trees yesterday and had a great time.
I've noticed that every person I plant a tree with it develops a special kind of connection with that person.
Maybe all our world leaders just need to come together and plant trees.
Yesterday as I was driving away after meeting up and planting these trees you get this feeling inside like you know you've just done something really good and special.
You dont get that buzz in the rat race, no matter how much money I made in dodgy deals in the past ducking and diving and you get away with something big and make a load of money, it was like a pleasure spike or something you get, like an adrenaline rush!
But what I have learned is these types of passing highs are short lived and the karmic vibrations has been emitted and not before long a storm is brewing ready to head your way.
Pleasure and joy are 2 different things! Dont mix them up!
You know everytime I here someone win a load of money or something my first thought these days is god help them, Joy is out the window with too much opportunity to fund pleasures.
My aim in life is to create a state of joy within not dependant on any exterior toys and tinsel. Its our minds that create these states. Conquer your own mind and not others is what the Buddha teaches. You win this battle and not even the Gods can turn it into defeat he says. You become immune to the negativities of the world and shine like a gold coin among the garbage igniting the Buddha light in everyone else as you walk through life. He says all these things which I feel deep down to be truth.
Get planting and chanting guys and sort your souls debt!
Peace and love...
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