Here all about my dodgy past!

 Most nights on my main The Phantom Planter Facebook page 've been sharing some clips of stories from my past that I'm putting up on Patreon. I've noticed though that from I started telling these stories on Patreon about my dodgy past I've lost some followers. I dont think some people like to hear what I'm telling, Maybe some people didnt know about my past and I'd say some of the stories may have came as a bit of a shock for some.

And to be honest guys, many of the stories I'm trying to keep them a bit lighter than they really were.

Most of you know I wasnt always a tree hugging planting and chanting Buddhist!

"Directing 40 footers through estate winding streets

was one of my many childhood chores

Open the door it was ciggies and more

Andorra had just become the new bank offshore

Gangsters on forklifts having the odd nervous fit

Hoods loading vans i'm sure got on the neighbours tits

but they kept their wit as most were in on it

Counting money galore was another one of my chore

Mill after Mill my thumbs did get sore

We run out of room on my Ma's wee floor.

I've got a bit of history as you can probably see

if I were unmasked I may not complete my task

as people from my past may not let me be

planting trees is not their cup of tea

hidden agendas is what they will see

stashes of millions is what they think of me

bullets, bombs and bast**ds forced me to flea

now I've found Buddha I'm growing young and free

my love and compassion is branching out like a tree"...

I'm talking about all this sort of stuff on patreon, it does cost a little each month to support me on there but you can stop at anytime and you can ask me anything you want on there also.

Your support on there helps keep me planting and chanting and keeping these pages and my mission flowing.

Copy and paste this link below into the search bar.


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