Changed times.

 Next month will mark 5 years from I started the phantom planter and it will also mark 6 years from I gave up the booze!

It's in black and white right there - 1 year escaping the demon drink trap and look what was created - "The Phantom Planter"!

I still smoked weed every day after I stopped drinking but the day I setup the phantom planter me and Mary Jane aka weed had an official divorce. I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed my relationship with weed if used the right way. Weed and yoga is what Shiva is believed to bring back from the heavens and doing yoga on weed is what I did every day for years. 

Much of the weed these days though is genetically modified and way too strong. Its putting kids heads away making many Bipolar and very moody until they get a smoke. 

Weed is a very complex herb and people need to know what strains they are smoking in accordance with they're personality type. You shouldnt be just buying whats on the street and smoking it, you should find whats right for you.

Anyhow for way too long I was a bit of a recluse, just me wee betty and Mary Jane, we went everywhere together but the problem with weed is you can become very complacent with it and years of your life can fly by and your still doing the same thing. 

You smoke weed, expand the mind, get inspirations and then channel that into your life. You dont carry on opening up these gateways daily otherwise your going to run around head melted with personality disorders, paranoid and shutting yourself off from society like I did for way too long.

I had to say goodbye to Mary Jane, I know I couldn't come on here and put out the things I do. I'd of wrote something really spiritual in the morning and later that day smoked some weed and read it back, freaked out and probably would have deleted the posts. You loose direction on weed. 

Something really needs to change though in society especially here in the UK and Ireland about how we deal with drugs. 

This is the one issue I'd say our governments really don't know what they're doing and have got it all so so wrong on how they are dealing with the drug issues out there!

Education, legalization and openness on all drugs is what I believe needs to happen. 

Stop making it an underworld and black market business. Keep our kids away from this type of darkness. 

Kids are dropping dead daily all around us through drug abuse. Its possibly the worst pandemic we've ever had and something needs to change.

I know so many people that have  lost their lives from drugs, people very close to me. 

Just sharing some of my thoughts and views from a lifetime of experience in the drug world. 

They say an addict will always be an addict, we just need to find more healthier things to be addicted too. Mine now is nature and the healing of my body, mind and soul. 


Peace and love...


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