Watering season over.

 This will probably be the last week I've had to water potted fruit trees we've phantom planted in the past year. 

It's so important to water potted fruit trees for the first year. I've noticed bareroot trees phantom planted in winter never really need watered unless severe drought. But that's not common here in Northern Ireland. 

I always remember back at the start when posting on here that I was phantom planting potted fruit trees in summer and some would comment saying how stupid I was planting trees in summer, that they need watered every week and they will die. 

My simple answer was, I carry the water to my trees no matter where they are. I've even carried water up mountains before. 

I love carrying water to the trees, the trap, shoulder and arm workout you get from carrying 2 x 25 litre drums of water for a km or so is better than most gym workouts. 

And its got a purpose and meaning. When you make it to your tree and water it, it's a feeling of accomplishment. 

I always think to myself we need more competitive sports with a purpose. Tree fit, litter fit, community helping fit. 

"The only think harder than climbing Mount Everest, 

Is climbing it and not telling anyone"....

We need to incorporate the ego of the world in a more beneficial way. 

Big D talks about being wisely foolish and selfishly foolish. My take on that is, we can still polish our egos but at the end nature and community can benefit.

Let's see who can plant the most trees this winter? 

I bet I win!!! 

You up for the challenge???


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