The Irish Yew Tree...

 For anyone that doesn't know the difference between an Irish Yew and a common yew, this pic shows it perfectly, the tall up right one closest is an Irish Yew and the wider type up next to my van is a common yew. 

The original irish yew was discovered in Fermanagh and is planted in Florence Court. All other Irish yews around the world are a cutting from this tree. If you were to plant its seed it would revert back to a common yew, so by taking cutting it maintains this unique shape and character. I love how slow growing they are. This one in the pic could be 150 years atleast old and yet you wouldn't think it. 

I have had a few quantum entangled experiences at this original irish yew in Florence Court. 

I make a point to visit this a couple of times a year. Quantum entanglement is a word I learned from an old lady I met under the original Irish yew tree. 

I don't think there's another tree that holds so many myths and stories than the yew tree. Experts say they live for around ten thousand years and some say they are immortal. 

You'll often see these trees in church grounds and graveyards with many of these trees being older than the churches themselves. 

Before christianity came these places were the churches were built are believed to be ancient pagan and druidic sites. Christianity knew what it was tapping into. 

Dont not eat anything from the yew apart from the flesh of the berry. 3 seeds though inside and your dead, so maybe not a good idea putting any part of it near your mouth. Even the needles and bark are deadly poisonous.

However its sister tree the Juniper often referred to as the mountain yew, its berry has healing effects with some saying that the juniper berry is the antidote of the yew. Not recommended to test this out though. 

The oldest tree in Europe is a yew, which is up for debate what one it is. Every country likes to think theirs is the oldest. Me I think the one here in the Emerald Isle is the oldest. The Yew Tree of Annagh. 

The reality is no one knows. 

Some of the expert opinions make me laugh though, an ancient one I vist often experts say its between 2500-4000 years old. Thats a big difference. Just shows how so little we know about nature. 

I visited the Crowhurst yew before believed to be 4000 years old and its on church ground. That out dates christianity by a couple of thousand years. 

Love all the stories surrounding the yew tree, if you know of any pleaee do share in the comments. 

#yew #yewtree #irishyew #florencecourt 

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree!

Peace and love...


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