Fill your boots!

 For years I've been thinking these were jostaberries that we have phantom planted at our orchard and have just found out yesterday they are whitecurrants!

We have around 50 of these phantom planted all in between the apple trees. They are ripe and ready to eat now if ayone wants to go down and get some. 

Love to see how many people have been going down for the raspberries also. All our berries phantom planted at the orchard came from Jampa Ling Tibetan Buddhist centre and were blessed by the Tibetan Lama there before I took them. 

Buddhist blessed berry bushes in Belfsst - Fill your boots! Eat some Buddha magic today! Where would you get it! 

There's a lot of special energy at our orchard. The stories behind many of the trees and the characters that have came to phantom plant there is pretty amazing! 

The birds are having a field day this year eating loads of the apples, which I love to see btw, the trees I phantom plant is an offering to nature for all it provides for me. I'm leveling up with my soul debt, think we all need too! 

The birds though, I think they are loving all the different types apples we have, something new on the menu for them, enjoy birds!

Its great to observe everything that happens from phantom planting some fruit trees. Great people come into your life, others come by and make jams from the fruit and surprise leave jars at my van  some. People have made apple  tarts from fruit at the orchard and came back with them to share.

Kids come down with their bags to pick some fruit. Birds and wildlife make there way for a feast. If you build it they will come as they say. Its f**king amazing to be honest what its done to my life and soul....

One day I'm going to start talking on video, there's only so much I can express through writing and theres so much I have to say on it all. 

Phantom planting fruit trees as an offering to the community and nature to enjoy has been life changing for me. 

#phantomplanters #communityspirit #phantomplanter 

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree!

Peace and love.


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