3 more fruit trees for phantom planting!

 Went and bought 3 top class apple trees for phantom planting this week. 

Got the memorial tags prepped already for picking the winners. 

I've got a brilliant spot for phantom planting these in the city. 

Watch this space! 

Keep supporting me on the links below to keep me phantom planting. I'm full of enthusiasm to fill my lcoal areas with fruit trees for all to have free fresh fruit. 

Got plans to add all my work on a map so everyone can see what I'm doing and you are all free to visit the Belvoir memorial orchard aka The phantom planters HQ anytime. 

Just search Google maps. 

If you like what I do and share on here you can support me by subscribing on Patreon for £3.50 a month which you can stop at anytime. 

You can also setup a monthly automatic payment for what ever amount you want with PayPal. 

I would really appreciate your support guys, hope you understand The Phantom Planter takes up so much of my life and I would love to make a living from it and also to help fund my phantom planting mission which is making our streets and estates urban orchards for all to have free fresh fruit. 

Your contributions will also allow me to carry writing my stories and sharing my antics on here to help inspire others to phantom plant trees. 



#phantomplanter #phantomplanters #communityspirit #paramilitrees 

And as always

I Challenge  You To Phantom Plant a Tree!


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