My acorns are germinating!

 Lots of my acorns are germinating from the acorn collection I have. 

For anyone that doesn't know I've been collecting acorns from many of the oldest and most iconic oak trees from the UK and Ireland and I'm going to grow them up to create an oak grove of all these fanous trees. 

This is my collection so far! 

1. Belvoir oak Belfast, oldest oak in Ireland right next to the phantom planter HQ.

2. Brian Boru oak, planted by the last king of Ireland.

3. Capon oak Jedburgh, over 1000 year old.

4. King oak Blenheim Palace, over 1000 year old.

5. Knighthood oak, known as the Queen of the forest.

6. Blubberhouse house oak, the last ancient tree of Knaresborough forest which recently just fell to ts death.

7. Bowthorpe oak, known as the oldest and largest oak tree in the UK with a girth of 13 metres.

8. Old knobbly oak, 800 year old in Essex.

9. Ketts oak Norfolk, a famous rebellion was addressed by Roberst Ketts under this tree in 1549.

10. Major oak Sherwood forest, Robin Hood was said to have hid in this one.

11. Big Belly oak Wiltshire, said to be 1100 years old, I only have 2 from this tree and would love some more.

12. Chained oak Alton Towers, lots of legends surrounding this tree.

13. Turner oak Kew gardens, the tree that died and resurrected.

14. Parliament oak Sherwood forest.

15. Remedy oak near Wimborne, this tree is said to have some healing powers.

16. Brimmon oak, the tree that bent a bypass. 

This coming autumn I've  a list of many more ancient oaks I want to get some acorns from, all in all there are just over 50 famous oak trees I have my eyes on, many haven't produced acorns in the last few years but one year they will. 

Thanks again to all the paramili-tree SAS team aka "special acorn service" for checking and posting me many of these acorns. 


This is a life long project of mine and one day I'm going to get phantom planted in the middle of them when I'm dead and gone, thats the plan anyway!


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