Happy Easter!

 Happy Easter guys, I hope you all have a great day.

As most of you know I've been building up an acorn collection from many of the most famous and iconic oak trees from throughout the UK and Ireland.

I'm going to have alot more than I need and I'm thinking of running a competition and give people the chance to win a sapling from a famous oak tree.

I'm only intending on keeping 3 saplings from each famous tree and there are many that I've way more than I need.

The Major oak aka the Robin Hood oak tree from Sherwood forest, I've about 20 or so extra saplings.

It was said that Robin Hood hid in this tree and just over 2 years ago when acorns are ripe and ready for picking me and wee betty went in at about 5am with a torch, climbed the fence as the tree is all fenced off from the public and collected a whole tub full of acorns which have now grown up into baby oak trees.

The pic is from last summer of the Robin Hood oaks, this year they'll be a bit bigger.

I should be able to post them anywhere in the UK and I have definite over amount also of the Capon oak from Jedforest Jedburgh Scotland and the Big Belly oak at Savernake forest Wiltshire - believed to be the oldest oak in the UK, and also the Robin Hood oak.

All three of these trees are over 1000 years old and are all listed in the 50 Great British trees as selected by the Tree Council.

My mission is to one day get acorns from all 50 of the Great British trees and many more famous ones from the Emerald Isle and plant them up in my Oak Grove Museum.

Keep an eye out guys for the competition coming soon, once I see all what acorns raise their heads and I'm happy with the ones I'm keeping for my Oak Grove Museum I'll run the competition then.

I never thought I'd see the day I would be getting excited over acorns, but theres some sort of magical feeling I get being around all this collection of acorns from all corners of the UK and Ireland. 

The history, linage and mystery thats stored in each of these acorns is quite mind blowing and to think one day they are all going to grow up together and cross pollinate kinda gives me a buzz I never got from snorting lines of peas and barley of briefcases stuffed with cash, surrounded with the toys and tinsel of the world that are really just big balls and chains that we stress out about loosing and we loose our souls in the process!

I've disconnected and escaped from these demonic chains that we are tricked and manipulated to get entangled with from birth and I'm now connecting to a whole new world of mother nature.

Feel your soul flicker guys and get out and do your bit for nature.

That ratrace way of life thats glorified is poisoning us, it goes against everything that we are.

Nature is our friend and we should always help friends.



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