Sponsor a memorial apple tree!

If you'd like a memorial tree phantom planted in memory of your past loved one we can now do this for 50 quid!

You'll get an everlasting hand stamped (by me the phantom planter) memorial tag on the tree with your loved ones name on it.

They will be mainly apple trees we will be planting that will live for around 100 years!

All the trees will be phantom planted in and around South Belfast so they are within our area for care and looking after as they will need a bit of TLC for the first couple of years as in watering, pruning and keeping them tidy.

The tree we will be phantom planting will be around 2 years old and we are only offering this service up until march as thats the end of bare root planting season.

You'll also get the google map location sent to you of your trees so one day you might want to go and look for it and eat some fruit from your loved ones phantom planted memorial apple tree!

This is also a great way for anyone unable to plant trees to be part of the phantom planting Treevolution!

Send us a message for more info.


And if you are able to phanton plant a memorial fruit tree yourself for your community and nature to enjoy please do so. 


Pic is of a memorial plum tree I phantom planted around 7 years ago at a layby, check out the size of it, pic taken summer past, this could be your loved ones fruit tree growing away on the Emerald Isle! 

#phantomplanters #phantomplanter #environmentalgraffiti #communityspirit 

Peace and love....


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