Your chance to meet the phantom planter!

Most of you guys have probably noticed that I'm running a prize draw on facebook

and the winner will be able to come out with me and the Paramili-Trees and phantom plant an apple tree in the middle of a South Belfast housing estate!

This is a chance to meet me the Phantom Planter and wee Betty personally and for you to get in on some environmental graffiti, the tree will be getting phantom planted on council land without permission and you will be involved from start to finish in finding the spot, measuring up, digging the hole and making sure the tree wont be a nuisance for anyone or be a hazard in years to come, you will be getting the full phantom planting experience with me the Phantom Planter!

I will also make up a name tag for the winner and the tree can be phantom planted in memory of a passed loved one or pet or it can be a celebration tree of some sort!

The winner will also be able to bring along a friend and will get your own masks and T-shirt and be officially signed up and sworn in as Paramili-Trees, this sure will be a different type of raw and real experience!

This draw is more so for local people but if you do enter the draw from overseas just to help raise some money for us and wouldn't be able to make the planting just enter as anonymous and your name wont be entered in to the hat.

Thank you to everyone that entered the last draw, we got the money transferred yesterday from crowd funder and it worked out after buying the tree and soil, myself, my right hand man and lady leaftenant got £85 each, the money raised from these draws will be going towards the 3 of us just to help give us some breathing space so we can carry on doing what we are doing with ease, we keep adding more and more fruit trees which in the estate now is easily over 500 mixed fruit trees and growing and this takes up alot of time and effort looking after them all.

Really appreciate all your donations in helping us make our estate one big urban orchard so everyone can have free food!

#phantomplanters #paramilitrees #phantomplanter #communityspirit 

Peace and love!

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....

If you like what I do and share you can support me on patreon

Or by clicking the PayPal link below and help keep me planting and chanting.


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