The Ogham Ring Locked!

 We were down at the phantom planters HQ yesterday tidying up some fruit trees, pulling the grass back and giving them a good mulch and we give the Ogham ring trees that I phantom planted 3 summers ago a good tidy up also.

Most of you probably remember that me and my son went all around the coast of the Emerald Isle phantom planting trees to spell the name "The Phantom Planters" using the Ogham tree alphabet.

It is believed that if you spell your name in a ring of trees using this ancient alphabet inside becomes your magical place!

My intention was to make the whole of the Emerald Isle the special for the phantom planters!

Each letter in the Ogham alphabet represents a native tree of Ireland - why not spell your name in trees?

We had planted a holly which is letter T in Ogham then spent the next few weeks going around the coast of Ireland planting the rest of the letters and back to the holly again to plant a willow - letter S in Ogham right next to it!

My intention was to have the start and end of the ring beside each other and that one day they would grow into each other locking the Ogham ring!

Yesterday they were both touching!

Rise of the Paramili-Trees - UTPP up the phantom planters!

You'll see on the map in the pics all the points where we phantom planted a tree.

#phantomplanters #paramilitrees #phantomplanter #communityspirit 

Peace and love!

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....

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