A little boys weeping birch tree!

 Here's a story of a little boys birch tree thats just meant to be!

Last year me and this little boy went down and phantom planted a birch tree that he had grown and looked after himself in Crescent Park Belfast, we also phantom planted a chestnut tree too in Botanic Gardens that his dad had.

One week later I went down to check on them and both of the trees were removed, I then get a message from Belfast City Council saying they removed the trees for red tape reasons and that both trees have been safely removed, potted up and are being well looked after for me to collect anytime I want....

I sent my Glaswegian Leaftenant who was over staying with me at the time down to get the trees, he said the council were really wanting to see me and expecting me to call down, my Leaftenant said

 "they seek him here, they seek him there"....

Which I didnt know till now that thats a saying from the scarlet pimpernel and whats weird also is my wee mum used to call me that!

Turns out though there wasnt enough room in the van at the time to take trees and I ended up going down to collect them and had some great chats with the council workers, the lady in the pic was the head gardener in Botanic Gardens for over 30 years or something and knew her stuff.

I just heard recently that she has retired too, I'm sure she'll be missed as she seemed to be very well known.

Anyhow the little boy was so glad to get his tree back and we then replanted it on private land as in one of pics, he wasn't too keen on the idea of phantom planting it again after all the drama.

So last night it popped into my head to go and check on the weeping birch tree and as you can see in the pic its thriving!

Its even got prayer flags attached to it!

The people you get to meet and the stories to tell from phantom planting is just amazing, serendipitous it is!

Sure does beat the same old repetitive drink and drug fueled life, week in -  week out talking the same old rubbish! 

#phantomplanter #phantomplanters #communityspirit

Peace and love!

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....

If you like what I do and share you can support me on the link below and help keep me planting and chanting. 



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