Update on Belfast Memorial orchard!
An update on the land I'm looking to raise money for and make it into the Belfast Memorial Orchard.
I got the hold of the estate yesterday who is dealing with the sale and told him that if he can pass the message onto the land owner that I would be willing to offer the asking price of a 135k and if he was to accept this offer could he put a hold on the land for 2 months and give me time to try and raise the money.
I told the estate agent to pass onto the owner what we had planned, maybe he will like this sort of thing being done to his land, it is being sold as agricultural land but with it being within Belfast city boundary and 10 mins from the city centre some developer will probably snap this up intending to build on one day in the future.
I know you can buy agricultural land for way less than this, but this is prime location for people to commute too from around the city, it really is an amazing spot!
I want this to be a sanctuary for people to come and plant a tree in memory of their past loved ones, I want them to be involved in the planting itself with our help and guidance and this will be a free service too for people, this is my way of trying to get people connected back to nature, everything will be supplied for the family, all they have to do is turn up with a memorial rock/plaque or their loved ones ashes if they want to add in with the planting of the tree.
My plan right away if I get it is to put up a polytunnel and start to grow a native heritage Irish self rooting fruit trees, all this orchard is going to be heritage apples, they grow best here, I have a few types in mind that will live for well over 100 years and are practically disease resistant. Ulster trees for Ulster bees, you know it makes sense!
I want to have potted fruit trees growing all year round so we can plant memorial trees at anytime of year in memory of peoples passed loved ones. ( remember guys you can plant any type of well rooted potted tree anytime of year, just make sure its well watered over summer months)
Couple of years ago I was never ready to do something like this, now I am, I've made that many mistakes from all the thousands of fruit trees I've phantom planted, watched which types are not good and which types are thriving!
This is going to be a proper native heritage apple orchard right in the heart of Belfast if all goes to plan!
Again thank you guys for all the support and offers of donations, I want this to be a place for everyone....
Can you imagine though a city orchard with thousands of fruit trees growing feeding ths people and helping mother nature, I feel my spirit rise at the thought of it!
is from a guy last week planting a memorial tree in memory of his wife who just passed away, he added her ashes in with the tree at Belvoir memorial orchard.
#phantomplanter #belfastmemorialorchard
Peace and love!
I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....
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