Let the wildflowers grow!

Bumped into this dude a few weeks ago and I stopped and helped him out erecting a sign saying wildflowers dont cut yet, which seemed to have worked btw as the council have left this verge alone and then again yesterday I was driving by and there he was keeping the edges of the verge tidy cutting the grass!

What a dude, the world needs more like him, he was showing me all the different wildflowers thats beginning to grow, he had a list on him of 18 different species of native wildflowers that grow naturally if we leave grass alone!

We all need to start contacting our local councils requesting they leave these verges alone or just to cut the edges as this dude was doing, it's so important for nature and all its creatures and I think it looks way better having natural meadows at the side of the roads too!

#wildflowers #meadows #phantomplanter

Peace and love!

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....


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