Yorkshire Paramili-trees coming to Belfast!

Today we have the Yorkshire Paramili-Tree branch and they're dog coming over to Belfast to stay with us for the week!

This will be the first time an oversees branch has came to visit, check out what these guys have been up too in Yorkshire with all the fruit trees they've been phantom planting putting out all them much needed positive vibes into our communities and doing their bit for mother nature! 

Like we all need to start doing this, its the antidote to many of our problems. 

Cant wait to meet you guys, really appreciate yous making the effort to come over, the weathers looking ok too for the week, the sun always shines on the phantom planters!!!

I have nothing really booked in for this week so I'm happy to take you guys around and show you some hidden gems of the Emerald Isle and of course some phantom planting on our travels!

Let the adventures begin.....

#paramilitrees #phantomplanter #communityspirit 

Peace and love!

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....


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