Robin Hood Oak Trees!!!

Many of you will know that autunm past there I had went over to the Robin Hood Oak tree / real name the Major Oak in Sherwood forest to collect some acorns to bring back and grow!

All I do with acorns is put in a pot of soil like in the video and cover with another pot to stop any birds or squirrels eating them over winter, I just left this outside and did nothing with it, the rain will get in through the holes in the pot to keep it watered and I left it out all winter until today!! 

Check these babies out,  I will then repot up these germinated acorns, this is a great and easy way to start oak trees!!

I have a life plan to collect acorns from all the oldest and most famous oak trees in the UK and Ireland and grow them up to phantom plant all around my local estate in Belfast!

Im going to make a phantom planted arboretum in the hood better than any royal garden! 

This autumn again I will be going on tour to collect more acorns. 

#robinhood #majoroak #oak #oaktree #phantomplanter #paramilitrees #communityspirit

Peace and love!

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....


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