
Showing posts from August, 2021

Magnificent Yew Trees at Crom Castle!

Went to see the famous yew tree at Crom Castle yesterday just outside Enniskillen. This has been on my to do list for sometime now! What a stunning shaped yew tree, have only ever seen one similar to this shape at Lissan house in Cookstown. This one at Crom is said to be 1000 year old but no one can really tell the age of a yew! Strange that ain't it, we think we are so smart yet these yews have us all baffled! The immortal tree, said to never die, steeped in history, filled full of mystery, I have a passion for these Trees! What I find unusual about this whole area is just down the road is the Ballyconnel yew said to be possibly the oldest tree in Europe at 2500 years old which I found one day with the help of a leprechaun and at the other side of Enniskillen at Florence Court is the original Irish yew tree, all Irish yews around the world are a cutting from this tree, the seed from it would just grow back into a common yew! And somewhere in the middle of these 3 yew trees is Jamp...

Look What I'm Sleeping Under!

Found a parking spot to sleep for the night right under an apple tree! Couldn't make it up, uncanny! So tasty too, thats breakfast sorted for the morning for me! Off now to get a curry somewhere.... Have a good night guys.... #peaceandlove

Off On A Road Trip!

Me and wee bettys bed for the night, we are off exploring to find some old Trees! Love the Phantom One Van, so many uses! #staycation #lovehome #explore

2 More Apple Trees Phantom Planted!

Out yesterday with the phantom crew planting another 2 apple trees in the centre of the estate! One of the neighbours and a good supporter of the page has been out trimming around the other trees as you can see the rings around them in the background, he also brought us out coffee, plums and pretzels, thank you man it was just what we needed! Remember guys keep your phantom planted trees nice and tidy so the councils dont have a problem, making it easy for them to cut around, give them no hassle at all! I dont ask anyone for permission, my rule is keep 5 metres away from a road and make sure no overhead lines and you must maintain and take care of the tree! I'm not out to rub anyone up the wrong way, I just believe planting orchards in the middle of our housing estates is a great way to get kids knowing about where our food comes from and uniting communities, its also giving people an interest in nature and helping with mental health! Its also a great buzz going back to look after ...

The Buddhahood!

Keeping the flag flying high at the phantom planters HQ! The world will not be changed by the ones at the top, trying to change them is like trying to get a junky off drugs, they've lost the plot, so wrapped up in a world of ego! They bamboozle me and destroy my own peace of mind even trying to work them out! Change starts in the heart of our communities, from the roots up, be a positive vibration and watch it ripple! That's what I believe anyway! #peaceandlove

Phantom Bling!

Check out the bling! Late birthday present from my right hand man! Thank you man! #peaceandlove

Me and Wee Betty out Scrumping!

Me and wee betty out scrumping this time last year at the Loughgall heritage apple walled garden in Armagh! The place has been closed down and has been in poor condition for some time now , it's such a pitty as all of Ireland's native apple varieties are planted here! Maybe we could raise awareness on here and get this place sorted out! If anyone plans on visiting you'll have to climb as its all locked up, me and wee betty are good at that though! #heritageapple #scrumping

Stashing my Apple Trees for Phantom Planting!

Out stashing 2 more apple trees this evening for phantom planting tomorrow, had a good week in my business so splashed out and bought 2 trees this week, the more money I make the more trees I plant! This time next year I'll be a treelionaire! Makes a change from splashing out on a 30 year old whiskey or a bottle champagne! Splashing out on fruit trees is way better! Good night guys... Peace and love... #planttreessaveourkidsfuture #plantatree #phantomplanter #guerillagardener #environmentalgraffiti

More Trees!

  Got another 2 cracking apple trees for phantom planting tomorrow and I got a free breakfast too, tasty! The phantom planters HQ will be known as the new orchard county at this rate! Belvoir Estate South Belfast, The Paramili-Trees central command / The phantom Planters HQ! For Trees and Ulster! Have a good one guys.. Peace and love #planttreessaveourkidsfuture #plantatree #phantomplanter #guerillagardener #environmentalgraffiti

Conlig Phantom Planting Banch!

  Out and about last night and stopped off to see how the Conlig phantom planting branch has been getting on! Check out how this place looks, every time I go back they keep adding to it, looking more and more colourful each time! Sorry branch members I had no time to call in and say Hi but cant thank you enough for all the positive work you guys have been doing in your area, a great inspiration for other communities to follow and do the same! Claim ownership of your areas guys, wouldnt it be great if everywhere looked like this, what a great thing to do with your life and time! Better to ask for forgiveness than permission! Have a good one guys.. Peace and love I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place ! #planttreessaveourkidsfuture #plantatree #phantomplanter #guerillagardener #environmentalgraffiti

Me and Wee Betty Out and About!

What a day me and wee Betty had yesterday, had a delivery up near Castlerock beach so we went for a swim and did some yoga on the beach, we then swung past Slemish rock and I had to climb it barefoot! This is my favourite mountain for climbing barefoot, it is believed Slemish is the place where Saint Patrick found God! I've said before I feel something spiritual from this place, once I went into a trance like state and felt like I floated up it! The Slemish area is also said to be the oldest human settlement in Ireland and its surrounded with some of the oldest Faerie trees I've ever seen! I done a post on Slemish before and a lady commented saying that the rock has such a high crystal content in it which could be one of the reasons why there is an energy to be felt from it! Maybe thats what attracted the first humans and Saint Patrick! Who knows but this is a magical place and what a day we got for it yesterday, bit of meditation basking in the Sun at the top was a perfect end...

The Evergreen Holm Oak Tree!

I remember when I first started to want to learn about trees, I never even knew what an Oak tree was so I decided to check out all the parks, forests and estates asking around what type of tree is this and so on! I thought I'd worked out a few then I seen a tree in Tollymore forest and asked the forest manager what type it was, he said its an evergreen oak, I was baffled! An evergreen oak that doesn't loose its leaves or have an oak shaped leaf, I thought to myself whats going on here, I dont stand a chance learning about this tree stuff The way they relate trees is with its seed, an evergreen oak is also called a Holm Oak, looks nothing like an oak tree but its seed is an acorn just like the normal oak! I asked many stupid questions around these fancy arboretums with my bald head and strong Belfast accent, I know it seemed odd and looked out of place to these tree hugging folk asking questions and often pronouncing many words wrongly but all these years later I've learned ...