
Lets get making our streets and estates into urban orchard for everyone to have free fresh food!

More from my past!

 Here's another chapter of the book I was writing.  Chapter 15 - More wheeling and dealing antics.  From the age of 18 till 20 I was beginning to get really busy, I had my finger in so many pies, I was beginning to build up alot of sellers for my delboy dads dodgy goods. The way my dad run his operations was he had sellers in estates all over the country, they would come to him every week and get stocked up with all the latest black market goods. One thing about my delboy dad was he was practically a fashion expert without even knowing it, he was getting in the latest fashion products before the shops did, mind you his was all fake but he was well in the know about all the latest trends and labels. I started to do what he did and build up sellers in areas who I would go to and leave the stuff with and would return every week and what they sold they paid for and what they didnt sell I took back and give them some more of the latest stuff, keeping things turning over and the money fl

My daily meal!

 This is my diet most days, free range eggs fried in good old fashioned butter, organic porridge oats with raw milk and a good dollop of mourne mountain honey produced by a fellow phantom planter. I've been really struggling for years to find the right diet that sits right ethically with me and that will provide the right nutrition for me also.  When I eat I need my meals to be nutrient dense as I'm a very active person. I need good fuel for my body.  I like to eat natural and local as best as I can also. I don't trust our food supply guys, everywhere you go when out and about now is all the same generic mass produced foods. I dont trust all this organic branding also in supermarkets.  Unless its coming from a good old local organic farmer and there is muck,  bugs and slugs all over your food then its the real deal organic food to me. I do eat a lot of organic fruit and veg when in season thats grown by people I trust or foraged. Be very careful what processed foods you are

Chapter from my book I started to write.

 This was Chapter 1 of my book I started to write this time last year. I gave up on writing this as the more I got deeper and deeper into my life I got very paranoid about how others would take it.  Especially people from my past and the police. I felt it had the potential to jepordise my life right now so I pulled the plug on it.  From the age 18 to about 34 when I jumped off the Viking boat I did a lot of dodgy things and worked with some high level Gangsters.  To be honest not enough people are dead yet for me to write my book. You never know what way these paranoid Gangsters will read things. Even though I had code names for all of them in my book, I know what these people are like. They don't think like the average Joe and I kinda like my life right now.  And not to mention the police, I've got away with many things by the skin of my teeth. I'm not about to open up another can of worms there for myself also.  But here was the first chapter I wrote.  The Awakening.... R

More phantoms signed up!

 Signed up a load more young phantom planters yesterday! Had this group of kids down from West Belfast phantom planting 2 plum trees in the estate. These kids loved it, they got so involved and got all mucked up. I made up some name tags for them saying it was they're trees and they said they'll always be back to look after and water them. Its a great feeling doing stuff like this, I believe we all need to actively get creating good vibrations in our communities, its the only antidote. This planting yesterday could even be called a cross community planting, as this group was from a part of Belfast that never would have mixed with the side I'm from for many years.  But we all came together to phantom plant 2 plum trees yesterday and had a great time. I've noticed that every person I plant a tree with it develops a special kind of connection with that person.  Maybe all our world leaders just need to come together and plant trees. Yesterday as I was driving away after mee

Not long to go now!

 Just over one month to go before we start to plant up Belfast's first community / memorial native Irish apple orchard. We haven't thought of a name for it yet so if you have any thoughts please do comment. I was away looking at the trees last night and they are all looking amazing, there should be close to 300 native apple trees going in at this new orchard. All these trees have been selected and grown by myself and the team. There is still time for you to be part of this, if you want a memorial or a celebration tree planted at this new orchard please get in touch. The tree will be tagged with your chosen name and you'll get sent a pic and the location of your tree when planted. Please message me if this is something that interests you. We are also not far off our fundraising target either, would be great if we could reach that also for the start of this new orchard. Please help us on the link below, copy and paste it in the search bar. If we do

Here all about my dodgy past!

 Most nights on my main The Phantom Planter Facebook page 've been sharing some clips of stories from my past that I'm putting up on Patreon. I've noticed though that from I started telling these stories on Patreon about my dodgy past I've lost some followers. I dont think some people like to hear what I'm telling, Maybe some people didnt know about my past and I'd say some of the stories may have came as a bit of a shock for some. And to be honest guys, many of the stories I'm trying to keep them a bit lighter than they really were. Most of you know I wasnt always a tree hugging planting and chanting Buddhist! "Directing 40 footers through estate winding streets was one of my many childhood chores Open the door it was ciggies and more Andorra had just become the new bank offshore Gangsters on forklifts having the odd nervous fit Hoods loading vans i'm sure got on the neighbours tits but they kept their wit as most were in on it Counting money galor

The seed was planted!

 I remember the first time I read this after stumbling across a Buddhist monastery. I landed up to the place drunk after jumping off a viking boat at the lowest point in my life and said to the monk can I stay with you guys, I need to stay here! They had just the room for me and this was on the wall. I read it and something came over me, like everything I already felt inside about our way of life that is pure lunacy was being affirmed for me in Jampa Ling by Big D! At the time I read this I had just went from riches to rags, back to riches again and then back to rags on that monopoly board we are all tricked into playing, ( a finely tuned soul trap if you ask me). I was bankrupt a few years before this then I hit it big time again and then I got robbed and lost the lot again!! All I was left with was a long list of expensive self gratifying habits and addictions. Thats what too much money can do, makes you accustomed to passing poisonous pleasures and when the money runs out you enter